Friday, August 14, 2009

kheer recipe - happy birthday jagrat!

Today is 14th August - Pakistan's Independence Day and my friend, Jagrat's Bday. I wish all my Pakistani friends a very happy independence day and wish that the current times will soon pass to bring back prosperity in the culturally diverse region :)

Jagrat, I wish you a very happy birthday and even though we haven't seen each other in person in 7 years, I just want you to know that you are very much missed every single day.

Now *Jagrat* was a glutton (or a "gourmand", depending on how you wanna put it :D) One of his favorite desserts (not that he discriminated when it came to sweets) was kheer. Jagrat's mum, my second mum, Rekha makes the best kheer I have had ever. Her kheer with Pooris - mmmmmmm!

Here is a lame effort to fit into her shoes. Hope it is 10% as tasty as hers!

Ingredients (for 8 people):

Milk, full fat - 2 ltrs
Sugar - 150 grams (you can increase/ decrease to your liking)
Crushed cashews, pistachos, almonds 100 grams
Saffron - about this much
Rice, basmati - 100 grams
Sultanas - 50 grams (I don't like them, some people do)

On high heat, bring milk to a boil and reduce heat to medium and stir occasionally to avoid milk sticking to bottom. Wash the rice and soak it (keep aside).

after 30 mins milk should reduce to 1.2 ltrs. remove a little milk (20 ml) and mix saffron in it. after a minute, put the saffron mix back into the milk.

now remove water from rice and crush the rice a bit with your hands. add to milk along with dry fruits, sultanas, sugar and after 30 minutes, you have a beautiful batch of kheer. You may sprinkle shaved pistachos and almonds as garnish :)

Best served with pooris :p

Image coming soon ...

Take care all,


Gunjan said...

You mean add sulatanas for people (ahem..creatures?) like me :p

Gunjan said...
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