Monday, August 20, 2007

about me

named gaurav by parents on 25th Nov. 1980, I was raised in Indore, India as a typical Indian kid - was quite average (say B+) in studies in school (St. Paul) - under average in sports (B-) and pathetic in music, etc. Did play some guitar by myself but never seriously. But I think people heard me playing quite seriously and must be thinking "is this also music :(" did my undergrad from IIPS India, Masters in Computing from NUS, Singapore and came to Sydney in early 2005 with Gunjan, my wife. It was in undergrad that we got together, we've known each other for 9 years, been together since almost 6 years now, married for almost 3 :)

In sydney, I am pursuing Ph.D. degree from Computing department, Macquarie University, tutoring in the same department and lecturing ISYS123 in SIBT. More info is on my university home page.
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