Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rabdi / Ras-malaai

I went to Melbourne a few months back where I put on 4 kgs in a week, thanks to Alka Aunty's Rabdi and Ras Malaai. Took 2 months to get rid of the lard but it was worth it!

Rabdi is like condensed milk with a distinct flavour of pistachos, saffron and cardamom (optionally cinnamon)

The best part about this recipe is that it can be made in the microwave oven :)

Ingredients (to serve 6 people):

Full Cream Milk 1 litre
A pinch of Saffron
2 cardamom pods
10 pistachos
1 small pinch of freshly ground cinnamon (if you like a strong flavour)
50 grams sugar (or to taste)

In a 1000Watt Microwave, boil the milk in a 2ltr utensil (pirex material is ideal) for 10 minutes. Stir and repeat till milk condenses to 500 ml (should take about 5-6 rounds). You need a big utensil because the milk rises a bit. When you stir it, be careful as the milk gets super-heated and will "erupt" quite vigorously so you might have to wait for 30 or so seconds every time the round finishes.

Add sugar and give it another 3 rounds. It should come down to 300 ml by now. Add well-ground cardamom, saffron, well-cracked pistachos and optionally cinnamon. Stir well, let it cool, and blend. That's the rabdi part - done :). Now this is a dessert by itself.

You can also add readymade rasmalaai (Bikano) if you want.


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