Brithday parties have always been tricky at our home.So far Maya, Ravi and my collective social anxiety had prevented any huge birthday bashes at our house and then came Anjali with a huge personality packed in that little body. There was no way she was taking a little playdate with a couple of friends at the park for a birthday party. So we planned a birthday party with handmade monkey invitations, cake, pinata, food, the whole nine yards.
The party started pretty well and kids were basically doing there own thing raiding the backyard,jumping on the trampoline, girls' room and adults were eating, enjoying the drinks and chatting. We did the pinata which was a NEMO pinata(the urge to beat to death your favorite character is a topic of a different post all together) and got all the kids high on sugar after that there were a few obligatory meltdowns from 2 year olds. One potty training accident.
After that it was CAKE TIME. We had a cake with a monkey face and everything was set and Ravi chose this time to tell Anjali that "we were going to smush her face with cake after she cuts the cake". I don't know if it was the candies or general excitement Ajnali started bawling, I don't mean little sniffles, tears all over the face bawling that is usually accompaied by lots of drainage from the nose. This whole scene was taking place in dining room with no tissue in sight I ran to the kitchen to get one and ran back Alas... too late... I saw the booger drop from her nose and land on the CAKE!!!! It was a scene right out of a sitcom. There was a moment of silence and then a burst of laughter from all corners. What did we do with the cake you ask? It took some careful cake cutting and a bunch of totally booger desensitized parents and the CAKE WAS HAD....
:O Can't wait to see pictures and a video if you have one! classic! It should go in the books and then be disclosed on her wedding day :D
you left the best bits - the booger!!!!!
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